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, by Suzanne O'Sullivan
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Product details
File Size: 1124 KB
Print Length: 338 pages
Publisher: Vintage Digital (June 4, 2015)
Publication Date: June 4, 2015
Sold by: PRH UK
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#514,497 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
So many people are offended when someone tells them their physical ailments or pains are "all in their head". The truth is that more than 80 % of illnesses and pain IS in fact caused by repressed emotions hidden in the unconscious. So, it IS in fact often times "All In Our Heads". This book is wonderful, but people are so offended by the title and the suggestion that their precious illnesses and pain are not "real". This writer does not say they are not real, she is merely trying to help people see they could be free of what ails them if they would address where they symptoms are in fact coming from. She provides case after case of people whose emotional struggles were so intense that the mind tried to protect them from the feeling or memory and caused a physical malady in order to distract them. Her book is more proof of the brilliant functioning of our unconscious minds that tried to keep us safe at all costs. This book and others like it can set people free. But their minds and egos stand in the way of understanding her message. I loved this book, and the brave author that spent so many years truly helping others and having the courage to write about them.
Although interesting, this book didn't quite keep me as engaged as I was hoping that it would. I would've liked a little bit more of the medical basis (facts) behind each case. Still, it was a worthwhile read.
A fabulous, insightful book reviewing psychogenic illness, while reviewing the evolution of such in our understanding.
I would like to give this book a much higher rating. I admire Dr. Sullivan's understanding and compassion for the very real suffering of patients with psychosomatic illness (but I cringe at the titles of both versions of her book with their long-standing negative connotations for the general public. I believe they cancel out most of the good this book could have done to promote this compassion in others.) I believe Dr. Sullivan is deeply sincere and makes a number of excellent points I personally agree with from my education and experience in psychology (too many points to go into in a short book review).However, applying the label of psychosomatic illness (even in a somewhat modified way as she does) to ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) is just wrong. To her credit, Dr. Sullivan does say: "Do I know that for sure. No, nobody does." She says her reason for doing so is based on what she believes is the lack of evidence for an organic disease. In reality, (and despite the appalling lack of government funding in the US for research) there is a mountain of evidence which has been collecting since the 1980's from researchers dedicated to the study of this disease in the US and other countries, with some of the most profound research coming in the most recent years, some after the writing of this book.Dr. Anthony Komaroff at Harvard Medical, both a researcher and clinician in ME/CFS since the 1980's, gives a summary of the evidence of biological disease from the 80's through 2013 in a video that can be googled entitled, "VIDEO: Dr. Anthony Komaroff - CFS Research: Recent Progress and Challenges".For the sake of brevity in this review I will mention only a couple of recent highlights in research being done with new biological technologies.Gene expression studies have demonstrated dramatic results in ME/CFS relative to fatigue and other major symptoms of the disease such as immune dysfunction and autonomic system dysregulation, as well as a new understanding of the complexity of the biology of fatigue. (An overview of some of this can be seen in a series of youtube videos by Prof. Alan Light, one titled "60. Gene expression markers of ME/cfs / " )A name that must be mentioned is Dr. Ron Davis and his Open Medicine Foundation, End ME/CFS Project at Stanford University. Dr. Davis was recently named by Atlantic magazine as one of the 7 most outstanding innovators of the century for his landmark work in the field of genetics including the development of new research technologies (which led to the mapping of the human genome and more); he is presently working with 3 Nobel Laureates, 6 members of the National Academies of Science, and others creating new research technologies that are producing dramatic findings (work published 2016 and 2017).Davis and his team have been examining energy production through metabolites (particularly relative to the mitochondria at the cellular level). They have found extensive alterations in the levels of over 100 metabolites in the serum of ME/CFS patients. Dr Robert Naviaux's research, according to Davis, marks the most "important and groundbreaking" development in ME research so far. Using 20 metabolites, Naviaux has discovered a 'diagnostic signature' for identification of ME/CFS at a more than 90% accuracy level. The disruptions in metabolism affect 7 systems in the body, not just the production of energy (giving biological evidence of the many other serious symptoms of the disease).(For a brief insight, google the youtube video: Scientist Ron Davis Tells How We Are "Fast-Tracking" ME/CFS Research )There is a saying in medicine (which Dr. Sullivan herself has used): FIRST DO NO HARM. ME/CFS patients have been grossly harmed for decades by the labeling of this devastating biological disease with the innocuous sounding name "chronic fatigue syndrome." The National Institute of Health in the US has all but ignored the funding of research. (AIDS gets 3 BILLION dollars; MS 250 million; ME/CFS 5 million--even though ME affects many more people than the other two). More inaccurate labeling of the disease as psychosomatic such as in this book, though I think well meant given Dr. Sullivan's level of information about the disease, is greatly adding to this harm.If Dr. Sullivan and others are willing to revise their conclusion of psychosomatic disorder for ME/CFS based on the whole of biological research, my admiration for them will increase exponentially. Otherwise I fear, like the doctors of old clinging to their 'hysteria' explanations for epilepsy and multiple schlerosis, these doctors are doomed to come down on the wrong side of history, while in the meantime ME/CFS patients needlessly suffer much more harm.See also the outstanding TED talk from ME patient JENNIFER BREA "What happens when you have a disease doctors can't diagnose". Brea has produced a documentary called 'Unrest' which will be aired on Public Television the first part of next year.It's All in Your Head: True Stories of Imaginary Illness
Great book! Important material and well written.
All very good.
Well written and argument end but it misses punch and depth. Not a book I would recommend. I managed to read til the end though.
For health carers, stories and anecdotes are important ways of communicating knowledge and understanding of particular conditions and disease and this book nicely exemplifies this learning in a realm of medicine which, by comparison with others, is severely lacking in terms of understanding of brain functioning. It also looks at the origins and history of the mind body dualism and nicely elicits its flaws. The only problem is, like many such books, the continued repetition of the theme becomes tiring as ones gets further through the tales. As a clinician and scientist, my misguided expectation was of better scientific data to support the anecdotes, but considering the target audience, that should be regarded as irrelevant, for it is the stories, the tales and the anecdotes that have the power to change a readers thinking on this tricky topic.
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